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Etching One-Day Intensive

Etching One-Day Intensive

  • Saturday 17 May 2025, 10am-5pm

Practiced by Rembrandt in the 17th century, etching today employs the same techniques as back in his day. This intensive will allow you to work with 4 different metals and 3 different acids. Firstly experiment drawing with stop-out onto aluminium plates and Saline Sulphate. Secondly roll a hard ground onto copper and etch in Ferric Chloride. Next up is rolling a soft ground onto steel then drawing a sugarlift onto zinc and lay an aquatint before etching in Nitric Acid.

We promise a busy but rewarding morningʼs work with an afternoon dedicated to printing your plates. You’ll get the etching bug for sure!

£180 - to book call 07815 090648 OR email
