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Drawing Dance in Motion, Topolski Studio

Inspired by Felix Topolski's passion for drawing movement, Topolski Studio presents four evening sessions with live dancers, led by artists Alice Angus and Sally McKay (Studio 4-115).

Each session features a unique dancer, exploring the connections between drawing, movement, and sound. Experience dance up close, capturing its energy and rhythm. All skill levels welcome-bring your own materials; easels provided. Sally and Alice will guide gestural drawing exercises, but you are welcome to work on your own.

Tuesday 11th March, 6.45-9pm
Tuesday 18th March, 6.45-9pm
Tuesday 25th March, 6.45-9pm
Tuesday 1st April, 6.45-9pm

Concessionary rate available for under 25s and those on income support.

Single Session: £25 (concessions £16), Four Sessions: £80 (concessions £60)
Available at Eventbrite here

Topolski Studio, 158 Hungerford Bridge, London SE1 8XU. Follow @topolskistudio
